We are excited to present our 25 Tile Supreme set.
We are all about Having the Best elements in the best Quality.
Amazing Unique set
5 of the rarest Rare Earth Metals (The ones that China is threatening to stop exporting).
2 Precious Metals including the rarest Element Osmium Metal.
In this set you will receive,
Boron Crystal 99.9%
Aluminum Metal Pellets 99.999%
Silicon Metal Crystal 99.999%
Scandium Metal 99.9%
Titanium Metal Crystal 99.9%
Vanadium Metal Crystal 99.9%
Chromium Metal Crystal 99.99%
Manganese Metal Crystal 99.9%
Cobalt Metal 99.9%
Copper Metal Crystal 99.9%
Germanium Metal 99.999%
Selenium Beads 99.999%
Zirconium Metal Foil 99.9%
Ruthenium Metal Crystals 99.99% (minimum 0.1 Gram)
Thick Indium Metal Foil 99.99%
Tellurium Metal Crystal 99.999%
Gadolinium Metal 99.9%
Terbium Metal 99.9%
Thulium Metal Crystals 99.9%
Ytterbium Metal 99.9%
Lutetium Metal 99.9%
Hafnium Metal 99.9%
Tantalum Pellets 99.99%
Osmium Metal Crystal 99.99% (minimum 0.1 Gram)
Bismuth Single Crystal Metal 99.999%
Amazing Value! Less than $9 each