99.99% Pure Scandium Turnings

SKU: Sc-LS-tr-2g

Weight: 2-grams
In stock


99.99% Pure Scandium Turnings | The Periodic Element Guys

Aerospace and lighting are the two areas where scandium finds itself being used most, but it is not cheap. For instance, the cost of pure scandium is about $270 per gram. Now at first glance this might not seem like a lot, but if we think about it in terms of pounds, then we might be able to better realize the full expense. For example, at this price, one pound of pure scandium would translate to $122,500! Despite this high cost, scandium is so sought out in aerospace because of its low density, high melting point, and strength, which are all needed for building the outward body of a plane. It is often alloyed or mixed with other metals, typically aluminium, to form a super-hard, lightweight, and durable material for building the aircraft.

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