PEGUYS are proud to Present The Luxury 84 Periodic Element Tile Set. So why is this a luxury set? Well its easy to give a lot of the cheaper elements and give much less on the most important and Valuable Elements. For the Precious Metals a lot of sellers give you leaf for Platinum and Gold which really has no intrinsic value. We give you the following,
At least 1 Gram Rhenium arc melted pellet
At least 0.3 Grams Ruthenium Crystal
At least 50mm Pure Rhodium Wire ( $500+ per gram)
At least 0.1 Gram Palladium Ingots (Worth nearly $90 per Gram)
At Least 3 Grams Silver Crystal
At least 0.2 Gram Osmium Crystal
At least 0.2 Grams Iridium Crystal
A Beautiful 0.1 Gram Platinum Ingot + 2 More Platinum ingots
and a Beautiful 0.1 Gram Gold Ingot + 2 More Gold Ingots
This is what makes us stand out, being generous with the rarest and most expensive elements. Because we want you to have something you can treasure and learn from.
Also these are our new Naked 360 Tiles which are much thicker and only have a front Vinyl on them. So you can see them from every angle.
A total Value of Over $1800
13 of the reactive elements under Argon Gas
The Gas elements will be Low pressure Ampoules and you will receive a free Tesla tester.