Following the success of our Por-table Rare Earth set. We present our " Luxury Full size Rare Earth Ampoule set with Acrylic Display Stand" You will receive a minimum of One Gram Each of the 16 Rare Earth metals. They are Shiny Pieces under Argon Gas in Glass Ampoules. These come in our new "Stand Tall Vials" which measure up at 70mm x 22mm. The display stand is made of the highest quality double layer 5mm Acrylic, with 4 Stand offs in each corner. Our new element vinyl's provide all the info, when you need it.
You will receive at least,
1 Gram 99.99% Scandium Distilled Crystalline metal under argon.
1 Gram 99.9% Yttrium Metal Pieces under argon.
1 Gram 99.9% Shiny Lanthanum Metal Pieces under argon.
1 Gram 99.9% Shiny Cerium Metal Pieces under argon.
1 Gram 99.9% Shiny Praseodymium Metal Pieces under argon.
1 Gram 99.9% Shiny Neodymium Metal Pieces under argon.
1 Gram 99.9% Shiny Distilled Samarium Metal under argon.
1 Gram 99.9% Shiny Europium Crystal under argon. (For 1st 5 orders, then regular Eu)
1 Gram 99.9% Shiny Gadolinium Metal under argon.
1 Gram 99.9% Terbium Metal under argon.
1 Gram 99.9% Dysprosium Metal under argon.
1 Gram 99.9% Holmium Metal under argon.
1 Gram 99.9% Erbium Metal under argon.
1 Gram 99.9% Shiny Thulium Metal under argon.
1 Gram 99.9% Shiny Ytterbium Metal under argon.
1 Gram 99.9% Shiny Lutetium Metal under argon.