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7 products

Showing 1 - 7 of 7 products
Save $46
Material Research Corporation Co/Cr 25 AT% 50 Grams - The Periodic Element Guys
Tantalum Metal Disk - The Periodic Element GuysTantalum Metal Disk - The Periodic Element Guys
Save $155
VEM Ni/Cr 80/20 wt% Pellets 500 Grams. 99.95% - The Periodic Element Guys
Save $180
Cerac Vanadium Metal Evaporation Granules 200 Gram 99.7% - The Periodic Element Guys
Save $73
Johnson Matthey Antimony Shot 50 Grams 99.9999% - The Periodic Element Guys
Save $80
Alfa Aesar Antimony Ingot 99.999% - The Periodic Element GuysAlfa Aesar Antimony Ingot 99.999% - The Periodic Element Guys

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